ANAIS Association, established in 2011, aims to promote gender equality, respect and defend the rights of women, children and young people, working to support the victims of domestic violence both through the development of services and through involvement at the level of public policies, aiming to change legislation and to identify legislative instruments appropriate to the needs of abuse victims. In Romania, ANAIS is part of the “Network for the prevention and combating of violence against women”, collaborating at the local and national level with public institutions and non-governmental organizations that fight for the prevention of violence against women. ANAIS is a member of the European network WAVE – Women Against Violence Europe and has also been involved in running some projects and programs together with other international organizations.

ANAIS organizes various workshops and activities aimed at responding to the needs of the Ukrainian women and girls in the Bucharest/Ilfov area, encouraging at the same time the creation of an informal and safe space in which they can interact and familiarize themselves with the new context in which they find themselves, so  they can feel safe, understood and helped. It also offers psychological counseling for victims of domestic violence, group psychological counseling, as well as social support and information, referral to specialized services and assistance in various situations.