Founded in 1996, Inimă de Copil Foundation started out of the need to help some of the street children and a group of children with HIV who were  abandoned in the hospital. For 25 years, Inimă de Copil has been operating in the poorest areas of Romania – the south-east of the country, in Galati, Brăila, Vrancea and Vaslui, where it helped children, parents and communities at risk with medical, educational, emotional and financial support, seeking to transform, through social and support services, inequalities into equal opportunities, creating stronger, inclusive communities. By GD 451/2016, the Foundation was recognized as a public utility organization.

Inimă de Copil supports Ukrainian refugees in transit, providing them with food, temporary accommodation, translation services and legal assistance. The foundation also coordinates two centers in Brăila and Galați, where refugees who have chosen to stay in the country are offered social and cultural services, recreational activities, counseling and assistance in finding a home.