The Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association (Keystone Moldova) was founded in 2004 by the Keystone Human Services International organization from the USA and is focused on the social inclusion of people with disabilities and vulnerable groups. As its objectives, Keystone Moldova proposed to contribute to: improving the normative-legal framework of the social protection system of vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities; the reform of the system of care and social assistance of people with disabilities by promoting their deinstitutionalization and inclusion in families and community services; reducing the poverty of families in difficulty, including persons with disabilities, by promoting and supporting their inclusion in the labor field; empowering people with disabilities for their more active involvement in the political and social life of the Republic of Moldova. Keystone also supports the development of community support and care services for people with disabilities and other groups in difficulty and the inclusion of people in difficulty in basic community services, including educational, health, social and encourages changing the attitudes and behaviors of the population towards people in difficulty, including those with disabilities, in order to promote an inclusive environment and equal development opportunities for every person in the community, regardless of nationality, language, disability, sex, age, etc.

Keystone started, in September 2022, the implementation of the “Open Arms, Open Hearts, Emergency response to Ukraine crisis”, project funded by CARE through the SERA Romania Foundation, CARE France and FONPC, offering immediate support to refugees from Ukraine and providing support for the families hosting refugees from three districts: Căușeni, Criuleni and Bălţi municipality, according to their needs (packages with hygiene products and food, medicines, clothes, electrical appliances, heating materials, household items). Along with Keystone, three other Moldovan organizations have joined the CARE FOR UKRAINE project: the Union for Equity and Health, the Public Association of Sustainable Social Services and the Public Association Ray of Confidence, together covering the North, Central and South areas of Moldova.